Youtube Analysis (Updating)

graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen
graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen


Different kinds of video features and elements would enhance the performance of each youtube channel. We decided to analyze the data from YouTube regarding different video elements and features. The objective of this topic is to find useful video elements that can maximize performance from a business perspective.

man browsing tablet sitting in front of TV
man browsing tablet sitting in front of TV


The project is scheduled for 6 weeks

person in blue long sleeve shirt sitting beside black laptop computer
person in blue long sleeve shirt sitting beside black laptop computer

Handling the scrolling page, retrieving all video links in each scroll and store them for later use

Loop through each scrolled page. Within this loop, scrape each page.

Delete Missing Value

Transform data Type

Remove Outliers

The number of views across the year

The peak is around Nov & Dec

The number of views vs the length of videos

5-15 mins and 15-30 mins have more views than others

The number of subscribers vs views

No Strong Correlation with .35(<.5) pairwise correlation

Over 75% of videos have a percentage of like of 3.78, which means every 100 views would only generate roughly 4 likes.

According to the standard between likes and videos, the ratio for measuring success would be 4 likes for every 100 views.

Companies should focus on quality instead of quantity